Thanksgiving Tips for Every Host

If it's your first Thanksgiving dinner or your "ump-teenth" (as my dear late mother liked to say), we can all use a helpful tip or two to make the big day go great. NBC News shared these professional tips that I hope will serve you well:

  • Set the table in advance: The last thing you want to do is set the table right before guests arrive. You’ll have other things to worry about,
  • Take out every serving dish, platter, serving spoon, and bowl you will be using and have them at the ready before you even start cooking.
  • Use a cooler for drinks: You will need the extra fridge space.
  • Cook everything you can in advance: Unless you have a couple of extra ovens, you won’t be able to cook anything else once the turkey is in the oven.
  • Don’t experiment with recipes at the last minute: If you make really great mashed potatoes without frills, don’t change the recipe. Something done well is always better than something fancy you’ve never done before.
  • Give your turkey enough time to thaw: A large turkey needs more than a day to thaw. Do your research. It takes 24 hours for every 5 pounds of turkey to defrost in the fridge.

My mom would be proud.

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