June 14 is Flag Day in the United States of America.
In 1949, President Harry Truman made this an official American day of observance of the importance of our symbol of the mighty red, white and blue. Flag Day is an official state holiday in New York and Pennsylvania.
Last year, Flag Day 2017 started with tragedy when a gunman opened fire during a baseball practice in Alexandria, VA. The practice was in preparation for an annual charity game between members of Congress in Washington, DC.
The game is played by members of the Republican and Democrat parties as a way to bond without politics. Hopefully, last year's Flag Day tragedy will be remembered in hopes of bringing members of both parties together, along with all Americans, to start to chill the divide between so many in our country.
Hey, if President Trump and Kim Jong-un could get along earlier this week, how about those elected in DC and Albany?
It would be appropriate on Flag Day for all Americans to rally behind such a beautiful symbol that flies so proudly over government buildings, schools, businesses, and the homes of proud, everyday Americans.
If you're looking to find a flag to fly with pride, it's easy at www.vocroc.org, or stop at the Veterans Outreach Center's Flag Store at 455 South Ave. in Rochester, or Heritage Flag & Supply at 455 Conklin Rd. in Binghamton. Or, go to www.united-states-flag.com.
God bless that beautiful flag that has flown through war and peace. And God bless our cops and troops who protect it.