The National Football League has stepped in it again.
An organization that represents our veterans, AMVETS, has tried to place an ad in the program for the NFL's "Big Game" coming up Sunday Feb. 4, and it was rejected.
The ad is fairly simple, showing a military honor guard with a flag, and the simple message "#PleaseStand" next to it. Do you find that offensive?
I'm guessing the football folks think they have more power than freedom of speech, when people who trained, represented and sometimes fought for our freedom would like to present their message to fans in the game day program.
At a time when so many are devisive in our country, you would think that the all-knowing, powerful Roger Goodell (Commisioner of the NFL) would be wise enough to allow this simple message to be displayed!
AMVETS will pay for the ad. They're not asking for the ad space to be donated. They just want to share their message. As they have in the past at the NBA and NHL all-star games.
CLICK HERE for the full story, courtesy of News 8 Rochester.