Upstate New York has one of "the most innovate children's hospitals" in America, according to Parents Magazine.
Golisano Children's Hospital in Rochester serves almost 100,000 families from all over NY every year, and the hard working staff makes a life a little easier for kids and families who are struggling with potentially life-threatening diseases.
If you have a child, you should count your blessings when they're healthy. If they encounter a medical issue, you should thank God for Golisano Children's Hospital, just a quick ride up the road in Rochester.
Here's what Parent's Magazine said about the leader in child care....
University of Rochester Medical Center’s Golisano Children’s Hospital, New York
A new mind-blowing medical device at the University of Rochester Medical Center’s Golisano Children’s Hospital combines two common scans (an MRI and a PET) so kids have to go through only one procedure—a big stress reducer. This is the first pediatric facility to have this equipment and it's adorably decorated it to resemble a pirate ship. Kids can even watch a movie during their scan while “onboard” the ship for treatment.
The areas that the magazine recognized the hospital for include: Cancer research, family support, neonatal care, and advances in equipment and procedure advances.
The hospital being included in the list was based on the results of a comprehensive survey to members of the Children’s Hospital Association.
According to Parents magazine, "the survey, developed with medical advisors, sought to identify hospitals with a proven track-record of medical advances as well as innovative ways to make little patients and their families more comfortable."
Congrats again to the doctors, nurses and staff at GCH for making such a difference for so many families.
To read the full article on the 20 Top Children's Hospitals, click here.