Spoiler alert: it was the MOST DRAMATIC return to ABC for "The Bachelor" Monday!
Pete Weber, known as "Pilot Pete" (he's a commercial airline pilot), took the reins as the first Bachelor of the new decade, and the drama came rolling in, via limo, of course.
While welcoming his posse of 30 beautiful suitors, a surprise visitor threw the ladies into a swirl of chaos and screaming. All thanks to Hannah B.
Let me refresh you. Hannah B. was last season's "Bachelorette", after being denied on a prior season of "The Bachelor". Last season, she denied Pilot Pete, who now is this season's "Bachelor".
Got it? So, after appearing on "Dancing With The Stars" last season, Hannah apparently has some free time, so somehow she showed up again on ABC Monday.
Get ready for the MOST DRAMATIC return, as here's how her return conversation with Pilot Pete turned out.