CDC: Raw Cookie Dough Dangerous (Here's a safer recipe)

Another year, another warning about eating raw cookie dough: Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says eating raw cookie dough and uncooked cake mixes can make people sick. 

More people are baking this time of year, so that means there are more people tempted to lick the spoon.

Raw eggs and raw flour have been known to make people sick. In 2016 an outbreak of E. coli infections linked to raw flour sickened 63 people.  Raw eggs can cause salmonella poisoning.  

Advice from the CDC is, no matter how tempting it may be to take just a taste that raw dough, wait to sample the goodies until the bad stuff is baked out.

BUT THAT'S THE BEST PART! So, how can you limit the risk?

Well, one way  is to make organic, Vegan cookie dough. 

NOW A DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a medical professional and this does NOT guarantee safety at all. 

I personally find organic flour is *usually* safer, and not using eggs makes things less risky as well. 

 I know the word "vegan" makes you think of kale, but honestly it just means substituting things. 

There are TONS of vegan cookie and cake recipes out there. Use the google. 

This is a pretty good, and easy:

Also I love this book: "Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar: 100 Dairy-Free Recipes for Everyone's Favorite Treats" get it on Amazon

Picture from Getty Images

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