The Moment You Realized You're an Adult

What Age Do People Feel Like Adults?

Well, not 18. Not 21, either.

According to new research, men feel like they become adults at age 26, while women hit the mark at 23. Probably not surprising that men feel like an adult later than women. Let's be honest, fellas: we never get past about the age of 14 in terms of maturity LOL.

As far as what contributes to people feeling like adults it was all based on experiences and food, not so much age that determined when you reach the benchmark.

Almost everyone in the study said having coffee, fruits, and veggies in the house mean you’re an adult. Also having a budget, buying a house, and having a 401K.

Get more on this story here: New York Post

What was the moment YOU felt like you became an adult? We talked about it this morning and put the topic on Facebook, which you can chime in on below.

(Cover photo from Getty Images)

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