25% of People Lie About Their Debt Going into a Relationship

One of the biggest reasons relationships fail is money, yet a new study finds we lie about it right form the start of a relationship.

A new survey sponsored by SelfLender takes a look at how we handle telling our new significant other about our debt, and if it’s a deal breaker or now. Spoiler alert: it is. Maybe that’s why we wait about six months to share our financial info with our partner.

Countless surveys show that, no matter the income bracket, there will be problems between you 2 if the money situation doesn’t come under control. The survey shows that half of adults say it’s morally and legally right to disclose your complete financial information, while 58-percent would hold off on the wedding if it didn’t happen.

Some other interesting finds from the survey are:

Being deceptive about finances almost common with three in 10 have lied about their salary

People hiding their spending habit from their loved one adds up to about 25-percent

A whopping 14-percent say credit card debt over 10 thousand dollars is a red flag

Credit card debt is the worst debt according to 35-percent

More on this here: Study Finds

Pic from Getty Images

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