Meet Kara - Our dog of the day for 12 Dogs of Christmas!

It's that time of year again! When 12 Dogs of Christmas will have the chance to write their letters to Santa and you get to be elves helping Santa send them home. It's easy, just share the letters so they make it all the way to the North Pole.

Meet Kara:

Dear Santa,

Oh my gosh! It was so much fun to meet you! I know we talked about finding me a home, but I just wanted to make sure you remember everything because there were so many dogs coming to see you! 

I am 7 months old and 28 pounds – just the perfect size. Not too big. Not too small. I just love playing with toys, with other dogs, with people. Play time is my favorite thing to do in the world and I never miss a chance to be silly. Don’t you just love to hear people laugh? They should do that more often and I am really good at getting them to smile and laugh. 

I know we talked about cats. I still don’t really know what a cat is, but I would be willing to meet one. I love everyone, Santa, so you pick the family you think would be best for me. Please make sure they love to play and they have a good supply of balls – those are my favorite. I promise, I will love them and keep them laughing. They will be so happy they gave me a chance! I will make you proud. 



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