FOR FUN: Christmas Movie Drinking Game

So - both Lifetime and Hallmark channels have now gone all-Christmas movies until Christmas Day. For some people, this is Nirvana times about a billion. To others, it's some sort of punishment for past sins. In those households where both points of view exist, perhaps a Christmas Movie Drinking Game is just the thing!

I am not advocating the consumption of alcohol here. This could be done with egg nog, spiced cider, or any other holiday-type beverage you choose. If you happen to decide alcohol will make it more fun, just remember it wasn't my idea, OK?? So, here we go. Any questions? Make up the answers yourself. Before you begin, view this clip from a typical Hallmark Christmas movie to get an idea of what you'll be dealing with.

Take a Drink When …

  • Two attractive people bump into each other.
  • Someone mentions how much they hate Christmas.
  • Someone complains about the “big city.”
  • You see a Balsam Hill Christmas tree.
  • The town goes caroling.
  • They make Christmas cookies.
  • Two charactersalmostkiss.
  • A character has a tight deadline.

Finish Your Drink When …

  • A character rediscovers the magic of Christmas.
  • There’s a misunderstanding between the main characters.

Take a Shot When …

  • The main characters fall in love.
  • It starts snowing when the main characters kiss. (Courtesy of Good Housekeeping)

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