Amanda Flores

Amanda Flores

Hey I'm Amanda! I like keeping you company during your workday! We'll keep the conversation moving & positiveBiografía completa


I Wanna See Madonna On Tour!

Madonna. An icon. A legend. I get it. Now days you see her on her instagram and it may give you some pause. I don't care. I have loved this woman as far as I can remember. The boundaries she used to push and the hit after hit pop songs. Here's my can get me on a dance floor with Vogue. I have seen Madonna live just once and only because I was old enough to pay for the expenses. 2006 Confessions Tour. THAT tour? Was peak Madonna.

So now with the announcement of Celebration Tour: 4 decades of her greatest hits...I fear this might be Madonna saying goodbye. I hate to even think it. I hope to get tickets to see her live. She has said she was never the best singer, never the best dancer but let me say she can put on one hell of a show.

Tickets go on sale this

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